diva42s Flash Stuff

Adobe CS3 Flash Tutorials and Resources free fla. templates and more....


****Hi just a quick note I just started this blog in September 2008 ,so it's not gonna be ****fully complete for a bit not to long but as time allows me to code and add things.

****Go ahead and look around there are plenty of great ****links to check out!!
****BTW the pictures, Video and Contact tabs have ****nothing in them yet! LOL
9/30/2008 02:21:00 PM


Posted by diva42

This looks to be a pretty good idea what you do is sign up and you make your site into a 3 Dimensional world with plenty of free items.
Im using a 3D internet cafe for one of my sites which i can add any type of items from cars to furniture you also get an avatar that you choose, I think you can also design things if you know how to but its really very new it just became public last week so stop by and check it out exitreality.com